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Direct Primary Care in the News


With Direct Primary Care, Healthcare Doesn't Have To Be Expensive

Forbes January 31, 2016

"Health insurance may now be more expensive, but basic health care doesn’t have to be.  By cutting the cord with insurance companies, doctors can spend more time with their patients,  This simple and effective strategy is known as direct primary care (DPC). It brings back personalized medicine.  Patients enjoy an improvement in health outcomes while saving on overall health expenditures when compared to those navigating the traditional health insurance system."


Direct Primary Care: An Innovative Alternative to Conventional Health Insurance

The Heritage Foundation August 6, 2014

"Since direct primary care practices see fewer patients, the physician can spend more time on each visit, offer same-day appointments, and get to know patients well. Patients receive increased access to their physicians, more of their physicians’ attention, and the benefits of more preventive, comprehensive, coordinated care."


Direct Primary Care Trumps The ACA For: Value, Quality And Satisfaction

Forbes June 28, 2017

"Time is given for two-way communication, education, explanation and negotiation using up-to-date medical information, creativity and empathy in an atmosphere of respect, compassion, partnership, fellowship and comfort."


Yes, Direct Primary Care Does Benefit Patients With Chronic Health Conditions

Forbes October 31, 2016

"Less paperwork means more time to spend with patients as needed to effectively prevent at-risk health conditions or manage comorbidities. More time means better access which yields fewer specialist referrals, unnecessary hospital admissions, and emergency room visits."



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